Posted by: bwoof | April 26, 2015

Old favourites and the power of ‘story’

princess bridetoy storyThis weekend is marked by two delightful favourites — viewings of Toy Story and Princess Bride.

I know…a bit juvenile perhaps, but oh so wonderful. The old familiar stories are the best, right?

The power of ‘story’ is what captivates my interest, not only today, but every day. Story is part of who we are and  provides insight, connection and understanding.  And it’s story that keeps me going, keeps me interested, and gives me hope.   As you wish!

Every day I meet people, usually teenagers in various stages of angst, and it’s when I purpose find the story that my perspective opens up, changes and offers an option for compassion instead of judgement.  Inconceivable!

Pearls of wisdom abound in good stories. Keep on reading. To infinity and beyond!

Grateful for:

  • Mary-Ellen and her most excellent support, planning and number-crunching
  • CompassPoint and the cafe
  • Netflix — on which I can find my old favourites

Curious about:

  • Lily and Ossie and their clutch of eggs — when will the next little peregrines call Hamilton home?
  • How best to use our mid-term data for student success?

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